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Appointment Types

How to set-up and edit your appointment types; including assigning set durations and associating them with specific billing items.

Updated over a week ago

Kalix allows you to create and customize your own appointment types. Options include entering appointment names, display price, description, associating billing items or invoice items, setting up appointment duration, customizing appointment slot colors, and setting up how they appear on your online scheduler.


Contents of this article:

Viewing Your Appointment Types

Click on the Appointment tab on the top header, then select the subtab Appointment Types. Your current Appointment Types will be displayed on this page. Kalix lists default appointment types, which can be quickly customized to meet your needs. You can also remove those that are not useful.

Reordering Your Appointment Types

If using the online scheduler, the sequence of appointment types listed on the appointment types page equates to the order they appear on the scheduling widget.

Kalix allows you to customize the order of appointment types by clicking on the move icon and dragging the appointment to the desired location.

Editing Appointment Types

To edit an existing appointment type, click on its name. Please make the necessary changes (see below for details) and click the Save Button.

Note: You will automatically update all associated appointments by modifying an existing appointment type.

Deleting Appointment Types

To delete irrelevant and unused appointment types, click the delete button at the bottom left of the page.

Creating a New Appointment Type

To create a new appointment type, click the plus button (on the top middle of the page). Enter the appointment type details and click Save.

Sections of the Appointment Type Page

We will now describe each field on the Appointment Type page.

General Details

The General Details section of the appointment type screen is shown below. There are many different options supported to customize an appointment type. These will be detailed below:

Appointment Name

This is the name of the appointment or package. Clients see this name when scheduling the service online (if using online scheduling) and when appointment notices and reminder messages are included.


Duration is the set time (in minutes) for the specific appointment type. By setting up appointment durations, Kalix can automatically calculate the end time-based duration entered.

An entered duration is also required if the appointment is to be included on your online scheduler. If an appointment has multiple durations, create a separate appointment type for each.

Appointment Block Color

Kalix allows you to choose and edit the color of each appointment type (the color of the appointment block on your calendar) using the color slider and the color field.

Click on the color slider and move it up and down to choose a color. Then, move the circular marker or click in the color field to select the color's intensity (intensity increasing from left to right) and darkness (darker from top to bottom). Alternatively, enter your desired color's hex code.

Note: Dark appointment colors can make the information on the appointment slots challenging to read.

Select to require one or more clients linked in order to schedule appointments. Click here for details. Unselect to create non-client-related appointments (clients cannot be associated with these types of appointments). Useful for meetings, blocking out time, etc.

Telehealth Enabled

You can also set up Kalix to automatically make virtual (or telehealth) appointments created using this appointment type. To do this, check the Telehealth Enabled field.

Location-Based Telehealth Control

The location-based telehealth control is found against each location (on Account Settings page). This feature allows you to set specific telehealth preferences at each location. This setting overrides the telehealth preference set at the appointment type level, ensuring that telehealth options are tailored to each location's needs and capabilities.

There are three settings (under Locations) you can choose from to customize how telehealth is handled for each location:

  • Select 'Force On' to enable telehealth for all appointments at this location, regardless of appointment type settings.

  • Choose 'Force Off' to disable telehealth for all appointments at this location.

  • 'Use Appointment Type Setting' will apply the telehealth settings specified for each appointment type.

Default Location

You can choose a default location automatically when that appointment type is set on the calendar.

Bill Items or Invoice Items

Kalix supports associating billing (USA) or invoice items with specific appointment types. This makes the generation of bills or invoices much quicker. Kalix will use the linked bill item in the autogenerated payment receipt if upfront payments are required.

Before associating a bill or invoice item with a specific appointment type, you must set up your bill or invoice items under the Billing/Invoice tab.

Once your bill or invoice items are set up, link them to the specific appointment type by clicking the +Add button. The Add Bill Items pop-up window will appear. In the Find Existing Bill Item field, select. Click Add.

To remove the bill item, click on the trash can.


The scheduler section of the page allows you to set up what clients see as they book themselves into this appointment via the online scheduling widget.


Upload an image file, such as a JPEG, GIF, or PNG, for the appointment type. The image will be displayed as part of the service block on your online scheduler.

After uploading, you must crop your image to fit the display area of the scheduler. Select and drag the cropping tool to adjust your selection so it captures the portion of the image you wish to keep.

Support Group Scheduling

Enable this option if you wish to allow multiple clients to book themselves for this type of appointment, i.e., a group appointment.

Once enabled, you can enter the maximum number of attendees you want to be able to book into the group.

Collect Insurance Details

Select this to support the client entering insurance details on appointment scheduling.

Upload Photo ID

This option requires clients to upload an image of their photo ID for identity verification purposes.

Buffer Time Override

Buffer time is a break between appointments. You can use the buffer time override to apply a different buffer time from your default. The default buffer time is set on the Online Scheduling Settings page.

Display Price

This is the price clients see when booking the service from your online scheduler. It is for informational purposes only. Enter the required payment amount in the Upfront Payment field to collect upfront payments.

Upfront Payment*

When scheduling this service, enter the payment amount here if you want your clients to make a full or partial payment (via credit card).

Note: When clients make a payment as they schedule their appointment online, Kalix automatically generates a bill/receipt for them to download. The bill/receipt will be saved in the Bills section of their client cover page.

Save Credit Card to File*

Turn on Save Credit Card to File to require clients to save their credit card in order to schedule this service (supported for Stripe integration only).

*You must enable payments to collect credit card details and upfront payments.

Description of Service

This is the appointment description that is displayed on your scheduler widget.

Shared Documents

Link document templates (e.g., intake forms and agreements) you wish to automatically share as part of appointment messages (appointment notices and reminders). Kalix allows you to select documents for different appointment types.

Under the Shared Documents section, select Add.

In the pop-up window, select one of the Documents you will share as part of this appointment's messages. Click Add. Repeat until you have chosen all the documents you want to share.

If sending appointment messages (notices and reminders) using SMS (text message) or text-to-voice, you need to customize your appointment message templates to include the auto text field—Shared Documents Link AND an informational text description for clients about using the link, etc.

The purpose of the auto text field - Shared Documents Link is to tell Kalix where to add the document link and code so that clients can access the shared documents.

There are two different appointment message templates* that can be edited:

  • The appointment type-specific message templates are in this page's Appointment Notice and Appointment Reminder Override sections (see below for details).

*If using custom appointment messages for this specific appointment type, add the Shared Documents Link auto text field and description to the Appointment Notice and Appointment Reminder Override. If not, modify the default message templates under Messaging Settings.

For email appointment messages (appointment notices and reminders), Kalix automatically adds links to any document shared.

Appointment Notice and Appointment Reminder Override

The Appointment Notice and Appointment Reminder Override sections allow you to set up custom appointment messages (different from the default message templates saved under Messaging Settings) for each appointment type.

Like the default message template, Kalix supports setting up a different message template per message method (email, SMS, text-to-voice).

To create a custom appointment notice or appointment reminder message for a specific appointment type, first turn on the "Use Override" switch. Open the message template you wish to edit and make your changes.


Once you are happy with your new appointment type, click save. Your new appointment type is now available for use on your appointment calendar.

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