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Setting Up Your Online Scheduler

How to set-up your Kalix account so that you can accept online appointments via your practice's website.

Updated over a week ago

Kalix Online Scheduling feature allows you to add a widget to your practice's website so that you can accept bookings 24/7. All bookings will sync with your Kalix appointment calendar, client files, bills, and messaging. Kalix's online scheduling is supported on PCs, Macs, tablets, and smartphones.

Note: The online scheduling widget is only available in the Virtual Practice Package.

To learn more about pricing, click on the button below.

Contents of this article:

The video below shows an example implementation of the online scheduler.


This document will detail setting up your Kalix account to accept online bookings. Click on the links within each step for more detailed information.

Step 1 - Set Up Appointment Types

Set up and customize the appointments to be included on your online scheduler. Options include entering your appointment names*, duration*, images, and descriptions, associating billing items or invoice items, requiring full or partial payments, and verifying and saving credit cards to file.

*Note: To be included in your online scheduling, your appointment types must at least have a name and a set duration. 

To view and edit your appointment types, hover your cursor on the Appointment tab on the top header, then select the subtab Appointment Types.

Your current Appointment Types are displayed on this page. Kalix has a list of default appointment types, but these can be quickly customized to meet your needs. You can also remove those that are not useful.

To create a new appointment, type click on the plus icon at the top of the page. To edit an appointment type, click on its row.

There are several different options when customizing an appointment type. For details, click on the button below.


Step 2 - Set up Locations

Kalix supports the ability to set up an unlimited number of locations. To utilize the online scheduler, you must have at least one practice location entered. You can create a virtual location or a home/workplace visit if you do not have a physical location. Locations live under the locations section of the Account Settings page.

To create a new location, click on the plus button (shown below). Enter your location details and click save. 

Kalix allows you to set up different location types, including office locations, virtual locations, and home visits. Location information on the online scheduler includes location name, address (or description for virtual locations), and location image (optional).


Step 3 - Set up My Details

For each user you wish to include as a practitioner on your online scheduler, their details should be set up under the My Details page. An example is shown below.


To edit the My Details page, click on settings (your practice's name) on the top header, then select My Details. In My Details, the online scheduler uses the following fields: your photo, name, credentials, and description.

Once you are happy with what is entered, click Save.


Step 4 - Set up Availability

Now you should set up your locations and clinicians' availability. You can create as many sets of availability details as you wish, e.g. create a different availability for each location and/or clinician. At least one set of availability is required to use the online scheduling widget.

To view and edit your availability, hover your mouse on Appointments on the top header and select Availability.

To create a new availability, click on the plus button. The new availability fields will appear as shown below. Enter your desired options (Clinician/s, Locations, and Appointment Type/s) and set up the availability's time schedule.



Optional Set-up Messaging

Kalix supports two different types of appointment messaging:

  1. Appointment Notices - messages that are sent when you create a new appointment. As well as each time you edit an existing appointment's details.

  2. Appointment Reminders - these are sent before an appointment to remind clients of upcoming appointments.


Kalix's appointment messages are fully customizable. You can choose when messages are sent, the Messaging method used (email, text message, or text-to-voice), and the messages' contents. 



Step 5 - Set-Up Online Scheduling Settings

The Settings section under the Online Scheduling page of Appointments allows you to enable and disable the online scheduling feature and configure your Widget.

Under this section, there are many different options to configure the scheduler, including setting scheduling limits, selecting the required client information, customizing the scheduler's text and appearance, and much more.


Step 6 - Add the Widget to Your Website

Navigate to the Online Scheduling page under the Appointments tab, and choose the Preview section.

On this page, you will see a preview of your online scheduler. There will also be a rectangle containing the code. Copy this code to your clipboard by pressing the copy icon.

Paste the code to your website, adding it to the page and location where you wish the scheduler to appear.

Scheduler Theme

On this page, you can also use the color pickers to change the theme colors of the online scheduler.


An Explanation of Your Widget's Security

Your online scheduling widget runs as an iFrame that uses the domain. You are embedding part of your Kalix account within your website. Hence, the Widget has all of the security and privacy practices of the Kalix site. Click here for info about Kalix and HIPAA.

Since the Widget is running on the Kalix domain, all requests are secured by TLS and are therefore encrypted (this is true even if your website is unencrypted). The second consequence is that modern browsers (all browsers that Kalix supports) do not give access to iFrames that have content in a different domain at the programmatic level. This means no 'malicious code' in the external site that could access any information that the client is entering. Perhaps a good way to imagine it is that the iframe is running as if it was a tab in your browsers - tabs cannot access other tabs, and each tab may or may not have secure connections to their prospective servers.

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