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Auto Calculated Elements

Kalix's documents contain auto-calculated elements, which calculate BMI, IBW, %IBW, energy and macronutrient requirements.

Updated over a week ago

Kalix's templates and documents contain auto-calculated elements, which calculate growth percentiles (weight-for-age, BMI-for-age, and height-for-age), BMI, ideal body weight (IBW), percentage IBW, energy, and macronutrient requirements.


Contents of this article:

Adding Auto Calculated Elements

1) Open your document or template.
2) On the Add New Elements panel, click to select Auto Calculations.
​3) Drag the element into its desired location (as shown below).
4) Use the search bar to search for by name (see below for list of supported calculations) and select the desired auto calculated element.


Supported Calculations

- Weight
- Height
- Body mass index
- Ideal body weight (IBW)
- Weight change
- Total energy estimated needs
- Total protein estimated needs
- Total carbohydrate estimated needs
- Total fiber estimated needs
- Total fluid estimated needs
- HbA1c
- Total carbohydrate intake​

Troubleshoot Auto Calculations

If you are experiencing issues with making auto calculations generate, here are a few tips.

The Document is not Linked to a Client

At the top of the page, check whether the document is linked to a client. Click on the link icon to link up a client record.


Client's Date of Birth or Gender are not Saved to their Details Page

For the energy and macronutrient calculations to generate, the client must have a date of birth and a gender saved to their details page (if you find these details missing, please read the note below. Click on the link for more information about the Client Details page.

Reset the Saved Document's Client's Details

Please Note: If you update a client's details e.g. add their date of birth and/or gender, the client's details will not automatically update on already saved documents. For your auto-calculations to recalculate, you will need to reset the client details on the saved documents. To do this follow the step below.

  1. Click on the refresh icon.

Why Does Kalix Behave Like This?

When you create a client document in Kalix, Kalix takes a snapshot and freezes the client's details at the point of time that the doc was created. This is done for a number of reasons, but one of them is so that doc's calculated fields do not auto-update every time you open the saved doc.

Age and gender are variables in a number of Kalix's auto-calculations (e.g. energy, protein, and fluid needs), if Kalix auto-updated a client's details every time you opened a saved document, the client's energy and micronutrient needs would continue to change over time and would no longer be relevant to the time you created the document.

Because of this snapshotting, if you originally create a document at a point in time in which the age and/or gender is missing but you later update it, the updated information will not automatically update on the saved document. You need to "reset" a client's information on the created document by following the steps above.

Weight, Height or Ideal Body Weight is Missing

Check that there is a valid weight, height and IBW value entered into the applicable Auto-Calculation terms.

The Auto-calculations are Switched On

All auto-calculated fields can be turned off for manual data entry. It is possible to turn a field off by accident. You can determine whether an auto-calculated field is on or turned off by it's color. If it shows the line black, rather than an orange, it is off (on manual entry). If an auto-calculated field is on, it is an orange color. Additionally, if you put your cursor in the actual field, there will also be an orange message in the pop-up window as shown below.

To turn a manual auto-calculate field on. Click on the applicable field. Next click on the orange lightning bolt. Done!

All of the Applicable Term Fields are Complete

Check that all of the applicable fields are completed in the actual term. Using Total Estimated Energy Needs as an example:

  • A unit of measurement must be selected (kJ/day, kJ/kg/day, kcal/day or kcal/kg/day).

  • You can select whether you would like to add or subtract energy (from the total energy estimated needs) to achieve weight loss or weight gain (optional).

  • An energy equation must be selected.

  • Select the activity level used in the calculation. Kalix will automatically add the applicable activity factor range based on your selection and the energy equation used. Alternatively, you can enter your own activity range.

  • If you wish to use a stress/injury factor, select the application medical condition. Kalix will auto add the applicable stress factor range. Alternatively, enter your own stress factor (optional).

  • You must select whether you wish for the calculation to use the client's actual body weight (as entered in the Weight field) or their ideal body weight (as calculated by the auto-calculation element for Ideal/Reference Body Weight (IBW) term).

Turning Auto-calculated Fields On & Off

All auto-calculated fields can be turned off for manual data entry and turned back on again.

Turn Off

To turn off an auto-calculated field, put your cursor into the applicable field and click on the auto calculating lightning bolt. the field will enter into its manual state (as shown below).

Turn On

Click on the field you wish to switch on, and a tooltip will appear. Select the gray lightning bolt.

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