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Creating Custom Elements

Explains how you would create your own custom elements.

Updated over a week ago

Kalix allows you to create your own custom elements. Custom are elements that you can add to document templates to create client process notes, forms, letters etc. Kalix also allows you to use custom elements to track client changes over time.

Once you have created a custom element, it can be added to any document or template. Custom elements are not specific to a particular template.

Custom elements can be edited and updated at any time

Contents of this article:

Tailor Custom Elements

Kalix allows you to tailor your custom elements in the following ways;

  • Group custom elements under categories for quick reference

  • Specify the format that custom elements appear in documents and templates e.g. in sentence strings, tables, bullet points

  • Enter and position your own data fields within a custom element.

  • Choose from different field types i.e. text, number, date, single select, multi-select

  • Assign fields with a unit of measurement.

  • Enter your descriptions/instructions for use of custom terms i.e. instructions to other users on how to phrase questions to clients, prompts, etc

Creating a New Custom Element

There are two different pathways (or methods) to create custom elements in Kalix. You can create custom elements directly from within a document or template (Pathway 1). Alternatively, you can create new custom terms via the custom term page (Pathway 2). Since custom elements are not specific to a particular document/template, after the element is created, you must manually add it to any desired documents/templates. 

Pathway 1

To create a new custom element, open the template you would like to add the custom to, then click on the left column choose Custom and drag it where you want it in the document template. Then click Create New as per the video below.

Pathway 2

Navigate to the Custom Element screen by clicking on the Docs tab on the top header and then select the subtab Custom Element. Click on the plus sign to create a new element.

The Custom Element screen will open.

Once the Custom Element is created, go to the document template, click and drag the Custom onto the desired place on the document. Then search the element by the name you gave it earlier.

New Custom Element Screen

The next step is to set up the custom element and format the way it looks. A blank custom element is shown below. We will now go through all of the fields and how they can be filled out.

Name and Category

Give your custom element a name (or description). 


Assign your custom element into a category. Categories allow you to categorize similar custom elements into groups. Grouping custom elements into categories allows for easier element management, making them easy to locate and add to templates in the future.


Term Output

Use the term output to format the appearance and structure of a custom element. Kalix allows you to choose the location of field/s within the custom element, as well as add field labels and style the way it looks.

2) Free text: Kalix allows you to add unlimited free text to the term output. Free text can be used to insert field labels and other required text e.g. instructions.

Below is an example of a custom term as it appears in the new custom term screen


The custom element output text can be styled and formatted using the text editor. The number of editing options includes:

  • Add bold, italics, strikethrough, and underlining

  • Insert Hyperlinks to add links to website pages

  • Create lists using bullets and numbering

  • Draw tables

  • Edit paragraphs to make them left, right and center-aligned

  • Add images e.g. your practice logo.


Once a custom element is added to a document or template, the fields are the areas in which information can be entered or answers selected. You can add an unlimited number of fields to each custom element.

As explained above, each field is associated with a merge field within the element output. Merge fields indicate the location of fields within the custom element. 

Example of Multiple Choice Field

This is how the custom element looks when added to a document template.

Field Types

Kalix supports several different field types: 

  • Text - free text entry

  • Number- supports the entry of numbers only

  • Date - adds a calendar date picker

  • Time - supports entering a time of day e.g. 6:00 pm

  • Multiple Choice Grid - adds a checkbox or tick box

  • Single select - supports the creation of a single select drop-down box (allows the selection of one option only)

  • Multi-select - supports the creation of a multiple option select term

  • Time: adds the time and timer

  • Yes/No- adds a tick box to select if in agreement with the sentence

Adding a New Field

Kalix allows you to add a limited number of fields per custom term. To add a new field to your custom term follow the steps below:

1) On the white space place your cursor, then type what you would like the element to say.

2) Select the Add Field button 

3)Select the type of field needed.


if you select the field type - single select or multiple-choice grid or multiple select, an additional option will appear - Enter options (one per line).
Enter the options you want to have selected from.

5) When you are happy with your custom term click save. 

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