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Online Form & Electronic Agreement Template Set-up

Before sending online forms and documents, you should set up your document templates. This article will describe how to do this.

Updated over 9 months ago

Templates are pre-formatted forms that serve as the starting point for new documents. Before you start sending online forms and agreements, you should (if not already done so, set up your templates). 

Adding Templates to Your Account

You can add Kalix's Template Library templates to your account and customize them to meet your practice's specific needs. Alternatively, create your own templates using the template builder.

​Template Set-up ​

Set up the template for an online form or agreement just like any other document template, e.g., chart note template.

At the top of the template:

  • Make sure you have Allow Sharing turned on (this makes it shareable). 

  • If you wish to send the document in read-only format (it cannot be edited), select Read-only When Shared. 

  • You can customize the online document's messaging template (the email, SMS, or text-to-voice message associated with the document) by clicking the Edit Messaging Templates button.

  • You may wish to modify the template's name. Clients will be able to see this name when they access the online form.

Setting up the Messaging Template

You can edit the associated message of the online document by clicking on the Edit Message Template button (shown above). 

A pop-up window will appear. Kalix supports a different messaging template per messaging method, e.g., email, SMS, or fax. You can move between the different templates by selecting the applicable section.

You can also set up whether the template's created documents are sent by default to clients or contacts.

​​Message Template

You can customize the actual message within the text editor. We recommend including instructions about how to access and complete documents. 

You can also insert auto text for Kalix to auto-fill the message with the appointment, client, contact, referral, recipient, and practice-specific information.

To insert auto text, put your cursor in the location you wish to insert the auto text field. Select Auto Text on the editor bar, and then choose the auto text field, as shown below.

Note: You must include the auto-text link in your message. This is where Kalix auto-adds the document link and security code. 

  • Use the Preview button to send a test message to yourself. 

  • When you are happy with your template, click save. 

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