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Online Form and Document Access

How clients or contacts are able to access and complete shared documents, electronic paperwork and online forms.

Updated over a week ago

Kalix allows you to securely share online forms, electronic agreements, letters, client summary and other documents.

Contents of this article:


The Share Link & Code

The recipient (the client or contact) accesses the shared document via a secure web link and access code. Kalix can send documents via email, SMS (text message) or text-to-voice.

The link is your client's or contact's temporary login to the online document. The code is the key (or password) to unlock the document.

For instructions on sharing online documents and generating this secure link and code, click below.


Note: Kalix does not send the document via email, text-to-voice or SMS, only the web link, and code. The shared document is viewed and completed within Kalix, in an encrypted HIPAA compliant environment. Please click here to find out more about this feature and HIPAA compliance.


Document Access

To access a shared document, the client or contact clicks on the secure link contained within the shared email or text message. Their browser navigates to the code required page, where they enter their security code.

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The code is included in the document's associated message along with the URL (an example email is shown below). 

The code can be copied from the message and then pasted into the field (or manually entered).

The document's link (and hence, the client's or contact's access), is valid for 14 days. The share link can be clicked on, and the document viewed and edited as many times as needed until the 14 days are up or the submit button is selected. 


When a document is being edited online, Kalix auto saves after each field is completed. If there is a disruption in the internet connection or an auto-saving issue, Kalix will lock the document to prevent data entry until auto-saving is restored.



When the form is complete, the client or contact selects the Submit button.


They will then immediately lose access to the document and Kalix will navigate to the success page. After submitting, the link and code cannot be used again.

Note: if the document is in read-only, there will be no submit button. 

Manually Submit

If for any reason the client is not able to submit the forms you can manually submit them.


  1. Go to documents on the client file (cover page).

  2. Click on the document to open it.

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the arrow as per the picture below.

4. Select Manually Submit

Removing Document Access

If you wish to remove the client's or contact's access to the form before the 14 days is up, please follow the steps below:

Open the document (saved against their documents section of the client's cover page). Unselect the Allow Sharing checkbox on the top of the page. Click Save.


Viewing Shared Documents

You can view shared documents and their status, at any time, even before your client or contact has submitted them. The shared document will be saved to the Documents section of the client's Cover Page.


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