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Billing & Payment Reporting & Exports

View the amount billed for, received and outstanding within a selected time period, location, for a particular clinician and/or payer.

Updated over a year ago

Kalix has billing and payment reporting functionality, allowing you to view the amount billed for, payments received, and outstanding amounts owing within a selected time period, at a specific location, for a particular clinician, and/or from a certain payer.

Export details as CSV (Excel) files for further analysis or upload into accounting software.

Contents of this article:


Use the filters to select a time period to view bills between, as well this you can choose specific locations, clinicians and/or from a certain payer. Multiple filters can be used at once.

To view the filters that are available, click on the filters icon on the top right of the billing page.

Check to select the filters you wish to use. Next, select select the applicable choices under each filter.

Filter Options

Filter by Time Period  

The date filter is always visible. Click to select a predefined time period or choose custom to select your own date period.

For custom dates, enter a date range in the date fields. Date of first bills - Date of last bills.

Or use the date picker.


Search by Client ID Number or Client Name


To filter bills by a particular client, use the search located at the top center of the bill page. This search bar is always visible. Search using clients' first or last name or their Client ID Number.

Filtering By Billing Status

There are two different options for filtering by Billing status. To see only open bills, unselect the Show Closed switch at the top right of the page

To filter further against a specific billing status, click on the Filter icon.

Next choose the status option.

Click in the status bar to view and select from different billing statuses.


Filter by Clinician

Select the Clinician option under the filter, to filter by clinician (user).


Choose the applicable clinician by name.


Filter by Insurer

Select the Insurer option under the filter, to filter by Insurance.

Search for the insurance company by keywords. Click to select.


Filter by Location

Select the Clinician option under the filter, to filter by clinician (user).


Select the applicable appointment location.


Billing Overview

At the top of the Billing page, Kalix will display the stats for bills meeting the selected criteria.


Information displayed includes:

  • Total: total number of bills meeting the selected criteria.

  • Billed: the total amount billed for. 

  • Contract Amount (USA Insurance Billing Only): the total amount expected to be paid, taking into account your contracted rates with insurance companies. 

  • Paid: the amount you have already been paid for the selected bills.

  • Expected: the amount you are still expected to be paid. 



Once you have chosen the bills you wish to view further details for, by clicking on the Export button.


Export Types

Kalix supports four different export types:

Insurance Details: this export contains the information entered into CMS 1500 forms (insurance claims), including clients' insurance details, diagnosis, and procedure codes.

Payments: outputs each payment as a new row. Information includes details of the appointment billed for, payment date, payer (or insurance company), item/service description, client name, clinician name, locations of service, referring provider, payment due date, payment type, the amount owed, amount due, amount paid and contact rate.

Bills: outputs each bill as a new row. Information includes linked appointment, billing number, the status of the bill, date of issue, client name, clinician name, location due date, the amount due, amount owing, amount paid, and contract amount.

Bill Items: similar to the Bills export, but each bill item is listed as a new line.

File Format

The information is exported as a CSV file (or comma-separated values file), which allows data to be saved in a table-structured format. CSV files can be used with any spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel, Open Office Calc, or Google Spreadsheets. Many accounting programs accept data imports in CSV file format.


Another useful place to check is the Overdue page. On this page, Kalix will list all open bills as well as the total amount owing to you.  

Individual Client Information

If you are looking to view information specific to a particular client, navigate to their file. At the top of the page, as well as on the side panel (as shown below), Kalix will list the total amount owing from them.  

A bit further down on the client's cover page, Kalix will list all their generated bills. For each bill, you will be able to view information including the amount billed, amount paid, and the bill's status. Click on the applicable row to view the bill in its entirety.

Downloading Multiple Bills As PDFs

Export multiple bills at once from the client cover page into a single PDF.

- To download every bill, select the Download All button

- To download selected bills, select the "Enable Multiple Bill select" checkbox (the square next to the section title "Bills."

  • Now, you can select the bills you wish to download.

  • After you tick the bills you would like to download, click on the Download button.

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