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Contacts - Overview

An overview of the Contacts feature in Kalix.

Updated over a week ago

Contacts contain the details of referring providers (e.g. physicians), referral sources, parents/guardians, and the details for anyone else (other than the client) you wish to save and communicate with.

Referrals use Contacts to link to the referring provider for billing and tracking purposes. Click here for more details.

Contacts can also be linked to clients via the contacts table on the client's details page, and CC'd into automated messages (appointment notices, appointment reminders, bill reminders, and late payment notices).

Contents of this article:

Creating a New Contact

Hover your cursor on Clients on the top header, followed by New, then Contacts.

New Contact Page

Name: The first section on the new Contacts page is Name. It contains the contact's name and qualifications (the contact's credentials). If you use Kalix to create insurance claims, the contact's name and qualifications are entered into item number 17 on the CMS 1500 form. 

Qualifications: Credentials or licenses of contact. Used for billing purposes (Name of Referring Provider for CMS 1500).

Organization Name: Name of the contact's facility, company, or workplace e.g. primary care physician's practice name.

Type: the classification of the contact options includes Parent/Guardian, Physician, Community Care, Aged Care Facility, and Other.

NPI is the contact's HIPAA National Provider Identifier number. If using Kalix's CMS 1500 feature, this number is entered into item number 17b of the form. 

Other ID: is the non-NPI identification number for the contact. The number can include state license number, provider UPIN number, provider commercial number, and location number. The other ID Qualifier specifies the type of non-NPI identification number entered. If you use Kalix's CMS 1500 feature, this information is entered into item number 17a of the form.

Messaging methods: the default methods used to communicate with a contact. They include email, SMS, fax, and text-to-voice.

Kalix will automatically assign new contacts created with your account's default Messaging Methods (assigned on the Messaging Settings page). 

You can change the contact's messaging method here to another if you'd like to.

Email & phone numbers (including fax): these details can be used to message the contact. If messaging or sending documents to the contact via Kalix, make sure the contact has a valid email, fax, and/or phone number saved.

Phone numbers must contain your state area code.

If using SMS (text message), the telephone number Type field must be set to cell phone (or mobile) or Fax.

Kalix allows you to save unlimited contact phone numbers against the contact. If you save multiple numbers for a particular contact, Kalix will send messages to the first phone number listed.

Contact List

To view your list of already created Contacts in Kalix, you can click on the Clients tab in the top menu, then the subtab Contacts. An example contact list is shown below. To view a particular contact's file, click on their name in the table. 

Kalix allows you to search for contacts by name, organization, email, and phone number. There is also the ability to add a filter to filter the list by Contact type.

The Contact's File

The contact's file contains three different sections.

  • Cover Page- where you can upload and save files against the contact.

  • Details Page- contains the contact's demographic information.

  • Messages- a place where you can send ad hoc messages to your contact as well as see their messaging history. 

Cover Page

From this page allows you to do the following for the selected contact:

  • Create and keep track of tasks related to contacts Learn More

  • Upload and save attachments for contacts

  • Create new Kalix documents specifically for contacts

  • View contact associated documents

Uploading a File

  1. Click on the Upload File link as shown below. Alternatively, simply drag and drop any file onto the page.

2. Now select your chosen documents (hold Control/Command) to select multiple items) and press Open.

3. Uploaded files will be listed in the pop-up window. 

4. You will be able to enter a category to save these files under. The file name and date can be edited, and a description can be added.

5. If you would like to upload additional files, click on the Add More button as shown below. 

6. Once you are done, click Scan for viruses and Save. 

Editing Uploaded Files

Uploaded files are listed in the table. Click on the tick box - Group by Category to see everything ordered into categories.

Then click on the document, and the edit box will pop up.

To delete, click on the Delete button on the bottom left.

Details Page

The Details page contains the contacts' demographic information. See the "New Contact Page" section for additional information. 


The Messages tab in contacts is a place where you can send ad hoc messages, share documents, record messaging notes, as well as see their messaging history. 

Linking Contacts to Client's File

Kalix allows you to link Contacts to Clients. For example, if you are working with a pediatric client and you need to communicate with the parent or a caregiver, you will add this person as a contact and then link it to your client.

You can also "enable CC All Automated Messages" to send the contact a copy of all automated messages (appointment notices, appointment reminders, bill reminders & late payment notices).


  1. Create Contact

  2. Where it says Profession, you will find an option for parent or guardian if adding the contact with this designation.

  3. Open the client's file, and on the Cover Page, scroll down to contacts.

  4. Click on the Link to link the Contact to the Client.

  5. Select CC All Automated Messages to send the contact a copy of all automated messages.

  6. Done!

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