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Clients -Overview

Clients (or patients) are the people that you provide services or medical treatment to. This is an overview of the client section in Kalix.

Updated over a week ago

Clients (or patients) are the people that you provide services or medical treatment to, they are the foundation of your practice and likewise, they are the foundation of Kalix. 

Contents of this article:

Client List

To view your list of clients in Kalix, click on the Clients tab in the top menu, then the subtab Clients. An example client list is shown below. To view a particular client's file, click on their name in the table. 

Client File

Kalix's client files contain everything you might find in a paper-based medical file, plus a bit extra. They are made up of:

  • Client Cover Page- a summary of everything that is in the client file. It also contains links to other parts of the client file.

  • Client Details Page- contains the client's demographic information and insurance details.

  • Messages- a place where you can send ad hoc messages to your client as well as see their messaging history. 

Client Cover Page

The client cover page is the first-page of the client file. An example is shown below, it lists:

  • Important Notes

  • The client's entire appointment history

  • All documents, scanned files, progress notes, letters etc.

  • Referrals

  • Invoices/bills

  • Linked Contacts

  • Assigned Clinicians

View Documents

To view a document, invoice/bill or anything that is listed, just click on its row.

Create New Appointments, Documents, Referrals & Bills 

There are also links to create new client appointments, upload files, create new documents (client progress notes, letters, forms, etc.other file type), referrals and invoices/billing (CMS 1500 Forms & Superbills/Invoices) from this screen. 

Linking Contacts

To link contacts to a specific client, please follow the steps below:

  • Click on the Attached Contact link as shown above.

  • Then the Add Contact pop up window will appear. 

  • Search for the already created contact in the Contact field. 

  • Enter the contact's relationship to the client in the Relationship field (optional).

  • Click Save.  

Client Details Page

To view and edit the client's details (demographic and insurance information) click on section Details. For a detailed overview of this page, please click here


The Messages tab in Kalix is a place where you can send ad hoc messages to your client as well as see their messaging history. 

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