Kalix auto-fills bills with information from the client's details page, including their appointment and referral. Below is a suggested workflow for setting these up. These steps can also be completed in varying orders.
Please note: you only set up these demographic and referral details for a specific client once. All future bills for your client will automatically use the details you previously set up.
Contents of this article:
Create your Client File
Before you create a bill, you should set up your client's file and save their demographic details and insurance information against their Details page.
Create the Referring Provider as a Contact (Optional)
If the client has a referring provider but is not saved in Kalix as a contact, you should enter their details under Clients -> New -> Contacts.
If the client's referring provider is already entered into Kalix as a contact or there is no referring provider, please skip this step.
Create a Referral for the Client
Creating a referral is an optional step. However, it can save time during the bill-generation process. Kalix will automatically add the referral date (Australia only) and diagnosis codes (for US superbills and insurance bills only) to linked bills.
The referring provider can be linked up via the referral page (if applicable).
Even if the client does not have a referring provider, we still recommend creating a referral. A referral does not require a referral source.
Creating the Client's Appointment
The appointment you are billing for should be entered into Kalix's appointment calendar. When creating the appointment, on the New Appointment screen, the client's referral can be linked to the appointment.