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Appointment Reporting

This article explains how to use the appointment reporting feature.

Updated over a week ago

Kalix offers an Appointment Reporting feature to provide business insights and keep track of your total workload, attendance, cancellations & no-show rates & much more.

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Accessing Reports

To access the Appointment Reports, select Appointments on the menu bar.

The calendar will show up. On the header, you will see two additional tabs. Click on Reports.

The Reports Section displays an overview of the stats for how your appointments have performed over a selected time.

It also lists all the appointments within this time period.

Overview Section

The Overview Section of the Reports shows various statistics related to the performance of your appointments. There are also several filters to select the analyzed appointments.

Time Filter

A calendar icon identifies the Time Filter. When you click on the drop-down menu, you can choose which period of time you would like to analyze the data for.


You can use the filters to select what you wish to see in your report. You can filter by Appointment Types, Client, Clinicians, Locations, and Statuses.

Breakdown By

"Breakdown By" allows you to split the report by Appointment Types, Clinicians, and Locations. When you apply the Breakdown filter, you will see information broken down into separate rows.


Once you have selected all the applicable filters, Kalix will provide a variety of stats.

Appointment hours- the total number of appointments for a particular period of time.

Clients Scheduled- the total number of clients booked for a period.

Total Workload- the total number of clients booked into appointments irrespective of appointment status,

Confirmed- total confirmed appointments.

Canceled- the total of clients booked for appointments that have been canceled or late canceled.

Missed Appointments- the number and percentage of confirmed appointments that were no-shows.

You can also export a report into a spreadsheet by clicking the Export Button.

Appointment List

Below the Overview of the stats, you will see a list of all the appointments that apply to the chosen filters.

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