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Creating a New Document

Kalix's documents feature allows you to create chart notes, intake forms, electronic agreements client summaries, doctors letters & more.

Updated over 2 years ago

Kalix's documents feature allows you to create chart notes, online forms, electronic agreements, client goal summaries, doctor's letters, and more. 

​Watch a quick video to learn how to create a new client document.

Contents of this article:

Steps to Create a Document

Step 1 - Find Your Client

To create a new document for a specific client, click on the search icon on the far left. Use the search field to find the client by name. Once the client is selected, click on New Document.

Step 2 - Select Your Document Type

The New Document screen will appear. Choose the type of document you wish to create by selecting a template. 

A Note on Document Templates
In Kalix, documents are created using templates. Before you start using Kalix's documents feature, you’ll need to set up your account’s document templates. This is a one-time setup step.

Kalix has an extensive template library with over a hundred ready-to-use document templates that you can copy to your account and customize to meet your practice's needs.

You can also create your own document templates from scratch.

An important tip – You cannot create client documents by opening your document templates and inputting client data directly. If you do this, you are actually modifying your master templates.

To learn more about how to set up document templates, be sure to check out our video below on the topic.

For more detailed instructions, please click on the button below:

 Step 3 - Document Set-up

After selecting your document type, the Link Records window will appear. Associate the applicable records and click Update.

Your document will be created.

At the top of the screen, you can modify your document's name, category, and date.
​  ​​

Under the Client section of the document, you can see and edit the records the document is linked to (client, appointment, referral, contact). Click on the edit icon to modify this link up at any time.

Step 4 - Save   

Once you have completed your document (and at any time), you can save.

To save the document, click on the Save button (fixed to the bottom of your document). There will be three different save options:

Save: click to save changes. The document will remain open for ongoing information entry.

Save and Close: save and close the document. Kalix will close to the client's file.

Duplicate: This will only appear if a document has already been saved at least once. Kalix will save your document as a brand new document and keep the previously saved version as a separate document.

Exporting to Word or PDF to Print

If you decide to export to Word or PDF, Kalix uses your saved layout as the foundation for your document's style. If you would like to learn how to modify your document layout, you can click here

Share is fixed to the bottom of your screen. Click on the share button, then choose the program you wish to export to. 

  • If exporting to PDF, the PDF file will open up in a new tab in your browser. 

  • If exporting to Word, the file will be downloaded. Open to view.

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