Download Documents & Templates to PDF, Print Online Forms & More

Kalix Updates: exporting to Word & PDF, improved saving and printing online forms.

Updated over a week ago

Download Documents & Templates to PDF

Kalix allows to your export Documents and Doc Templates to PDF and Word. 

The option to export to either PDF or Word is located on the "sticky" menu bar in documents and templates.

Also, on the Client Cover Page, under the Documents subsection, you can directly open a document or form as a PDF. The document or form will open as a PDF in a new tab in your browser.

New Sticky Menu on Documents & Templates

We have implemented a new sticky menu in documents and templates. Now in Kalix, the Save and Export buttons will always remain visible, "stuck" to the bottom of the current page view.

Close Without Saving

You are now able to close without saving opened documents and templates that contain no unsaved changes.

Print Online Forms

Your clients now have the option to print as a PDF - intake forms, notices and any other form you send to them.

More Improvements to Unsaved Changes Notification

As promised, we have released additional notifications around unsaved changes to documents and templates. Whenever you try to open or create a new document or template, but your previous one contains unsaved changes, you will see the notification below.If you wish to save the unsaved changes, click Recover to view the applicable document or template and then click save. If you wish to discard the unsaved changes, click Continue.

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