Recording Actual Duration (Time Tracker)
Updated over a week ago

The purpose of the Time Tracker is to measure the actual duration of appointments. It is located on the Appointment Details(or Encounter) page.

Accessing the Appointment Details (Encounter) Page

The Appointment Details page can be accessed from the appointment calendar or through the Appointment subsection of the client's Cover Page.

Via the Appointment Calendar

  1. On the appointment calendar, click on the applicable appointment block you wish to time.

  2. The Edit Appointment screen will appear. Click on the button View Details button (shown below) and the Appointment Details screen will open.

Via the Client's Cover Page

Alternatively, you can directly access the Appointment Details page via the client's Cover Page. 

  1. Open the client's file. You can locate them via your list of clients. Click on the Clients tab in the top menu, followed by the subtab Clients.To view a particular client's file, click on their name in the table.

  2. The first page in the client's file is the Cover Page. Under the Appointment section (as shown below). You can click on the Appointment's row to view it's Appointment Details Page.

Time Tracker

The Time Tracker (or timer) is located on the top of the Appointment Details page. 

Using the Time Tracker

Click on the triangle Start button to commence recording the duration of the appointment. The timer will start immediately.

You are able to move away from the Appointment Details screen at any time during the consultation. The timer will continue to be displayed on the top menu bar. Just click on the timer icon to return to the Appointment Details screen. 

Pausing the Timer Tracker

If interruptions occur (the client needs to go to the bathroom, you receive an urgent phone call, you need to print handouts), you can suspend the Time Tracker by clicking Pause (shown below). 

Ending the Time Tracker

Once the consultation has concluded, click End Time Tracker. The appointment duration will be calculated for you (shown below).

Note: you can also manually enter the appointment duration and modify the start and end times.

Actual Duration

The recorded time is displayed as the Actual Duration under the Appointments section of the client's Cover Page.

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