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Opting-in to Messaging

Enable Opt-in Only Messaging for better security for both your practice and your clients. Opt-in makes it easier to keep HIPAA Compliant.

Updated over a week ago

Kalix's messaging functionality, (including Appointment Notices, Appointment Reminders, Billing Reminders, Late Payment Reminders, Online Forms & E-signing, and Ad-hoc Messaging) can be opt-in. If opt-in is enabled, Clients and Contacts are required to opt-in before receiving messages from Kalix.

Note: fax does not require opt-in.

Contents of this article:

Why Use Opt-In

Security and Better HIPAA Compliance

Kalix's Messaging Opt-in functionality offers better security to both you and your clients.

The HIPAA Privacy Rule mandates that covered entities (you) must inform your clients on where their electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) is stored, transmitted, and accessed, as well as their rights with respect to their ePHI and the laws in place to maintain the privacy of their ePHI. Furthermore, if transmitting ePHI via an unsecure manner (e.g., unencrypted e-mail, text message or phone call) your clients must be warned of and accept the risks associated with the unsecure transmission of ePHI. Click here for further information.

By using Kalix's opt-in feature, your clients are automatically informed of the risks associated with messaging and their consent gained, prior to any ePHI being sent. It is important to know, that even appointment details or the client's first name, are considered ePHI. This means that appointment reminder or appointment confirmation messages sent from Kalix have ePHI.

Identify Confirmation

Messaging opt-in also provides a mechanism for confirming identity and preventing the delivery of ePHI to incorrect parties.

HIPAA Standard 164.312(d) states "Implement procedures to verify that persons or entities seeking access to ePHI are who they claim to be".

Using opt-in insures that ePHI is not sent until the client or contact confirms their identify.

Click here to read further about Kalix Messaging and HIPAA.

SPAM Prevention

A final reason to opt-in is related to spam. Opt-in is considered the gold standard for preventing spam as the recipient is explicitly accepting your request to send and receive messages. By disabling opt-in, there is a higher likelihood that your messages are marked as spam by the recipient or delivered directly to the spam folder by the receiving mailbox provider. You may be harming other Kalix users as well, their messages are also more likely to go to spam.

We actively monitor accounts that have disabled opt-in. If there are any signs of excessive spam complaints, we will be forced to disable messaging on those accounts.

This material is intended for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. For legal issues that arise, the reader should consult legal counsel.

Enabling & Disabling Opt-in

When you enable Kalix's Messaging feature, opt-in will be automatically enabled. To disable opt-in, navigate to the Messaging Settings and un-select the Opt-in Enabled switch. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save.

Modifying the Opt-in Message

You are able to modify the default opt-in message by selecting Edit Message Templates.

Keep in mind, the opt-in message must inform clients of the risks associated with the sending and receiving ePHI via unencrypted messages. It must also describe how their ePHI is transmitted, and accessed, as well as their rights with respect to their ePHI and the laws in place to maintain the privacy of their ePHI. 

To modify the SMS message template for the Opt-in, click on edit message templates and then select SMS.

Email Opt-In Landing Page (Optional)

If you choose to send email messages, you have the option to specify the web address your clients and contacts are directed to, once they have opted-in to receive email reminders.

If you choose not to specify a particular web address, clients and contacts will be directed to the default opt-in message page.

Sending the Opt-In Message

If you choose to enable Opt-in, Kalix will automatically send an opt-in message using the client's or contact's assigned messaging method, just before their first message is due to go out (e.g. when their appointment notification message is due, when you send their first online form etc). 

Note: Kalix will only automatically send the opt-in message out once. You can manually resend it at any time (see below for details).

Alternatively, you can manually send (or resend) the opt-in message by navigating to the Messaging section of the client's or contact's file and clicking on the Send Opt-In (as shown below).

Clients can also Opt-In via the online scheduler

When the clients book their first appointment via the online scheduler, they will be prompted to Op-In. They will also be required to agree to Kalix's Client Privacy and Policy prior to booking the appointment.

Queuing Messages

You are still able to queue unlimited messages to be sent to clients or contacts, even if they are yet to accept their opt-in message. Messages will be queued to go out, but will not be actually sent until the opt in is accepted. Once the opt-in is accepted all queued messages will automatically go out.

Checking Opt-in Status

You can check a client's or contact's opt-in status via the top header of their file. If the opt-in is yet to be accepted or sent, you will see the below notification.  

You can navigate to the Messaging section of the client's or contact's file to view more information about the reason for the opt-in not being complete. 

If the opt-in has been sent but not accepted, you will see a reason message.

If the opt-in is yet to be sent, you will see this message.

The notification message may also list the reason why the opt-in message was not sent by Kalix. An example is shown below. Resolve the issue and try resending the opt-in message. 

Note: The Client or Contact must opt-in to email and text if you are

using both methods of communication.

Note: If a client has both email and SMS for messaging methods and they opt-in via email but not via SMS or vice versa, you will still see the Opt-In button in Kalix shown in red. It will only turn green if both methods have been opted in.

Resending an Opt-In Message

Kalix will automatically send the opt-in message out once only. You can manually resend the opt-in anytime by navigating to the Messaging section of the client's or contact's file and clicking on the Retry link. This message will also display when opt-in message was last sent. 

The Promotions Folder

At times, clients may have trouble locating opt-in messages from Kalix in their inbox. This can occur due to email service providers, such as Gmail and Outlook, classifying these messages into specific folders. To ensure clients receive and read important communications from Kalix, we recommend they check the following folders:

Gmail - Promotions Folder

In Gmail, the opt-in messages might be automatically sorted into the Promotions folder. This folder is designed for promotional and marketing emails and is considered part of the inbox, not junk mail.

To locate the Kalix opt-in message in Gmail, follow these steps:

  1. Open Gmail and sign in to your account.

  2. Click on the "Promotions" tab located at the top of the inbox.

  3. Search for the email from Kalix. If found, open the email and follow the instructions provided.

  4. To prevent future Kalix emails from being classified as promotions, drag the email from the Promotions tab to the Primary tab.

Outlook - Other Folder

In Outlook, the opt-in messages may be placed in the Other folder. This folder is intended to store less relevant emails and is separate from the Focused Inbox, which contains more important messages.

To locate the Kalix opt-in message in Outlook, follow these steps:

  1. Open Outlook and sign in to your account.

  2. Click on the "Other" tab located at the top of the inbox.

  3. Search for the email from Kalix. If found, open the email and follow the instructions provided.

  4. To move future Kalix emails to the Focused Inbox, right-click the email, select "Move," and choose "Always move to Focused Inbox."

By checking the Promotions folder in Gmail and the Other folder in Outlook, clients can ensure they don't miss essential communications from Kalix.

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