Appointment Details Page

An overview of the Appointment Details page.

Updated over a week ago

The Appointment Details page, is a summary of all the information against a specific appointment.

Contents of this article:

Accessing the Appointment Details Page

The Appointment Details page can be accessed from the appointment calendar or through the Appointment subsection of the client's Cover Page.

Via the Appointment Calendar

  1. On the appointment calendar, click on the applicable appointment block.

  2. The Edit Appointment screen will appear. Click on the button View Details button (shown below) and the Appointment Details screen will open.

Via the Client's Cover Page

Alternatively, you can directly access the Appointment Details page via the client's Cover Page. 

  1. Open the client's file. You can locate them via your list of clients i.e. click on the Clients tab in the top menu, followed by the subtab Clients. To view a particular client's file, click on their name in the table.

  2. The first page in the client's file is the Cover Page. Under the Appointment section (as shown below). You can click on the Appointment's row to view it's Appointment Details Page.

Appointment (Encounter) Details Page

An example of the Appointment Details page is shown below. This document will now go over all it's different elements.

A Summary of the Appointment Details

On the top of the page is a summary of the appointment details. 

Time Tracker

The Time Tracker (or timer) is located on the top of the page. The purpose of the Time Tracker is to measure the actual duration of appointments. For more details about the Time tracker, please click here

The Client

If there are multiple clients participating in the appointment e.g. it is a group appointment or a family appointment, their names will be listed as different sections on the Appointment Details page. To move between the different clients, click on their names (as shown below).

Appointment Status

Kalix allows you to set a status against a particular appointment: confirmed, attended canceled, rescheduled and no show. On the Appointment Details page, you can view, assign and modify the appointment status.

When you change the appointment status, the main color of the appointment will change to reflect the status of the appointment and a line on the side will reflect the color for the appointment type.

The example below is for an attended appointment.

The Appointment's Referral

Kalix allows you to link a referral to the appointment. By linking a referral to an appointment, Kalix can keep track of the number of appointments associated with a referral via the referral tracking functionality. Kalix will also auto add information from the referral e.g. diagnosis, referring physician, to bills/invoices associated with the appointment. For more information about referrals, click here (USA only) or here (other countries).

A referral can be linked to an appointment on the New/Edit Appointment screen and the Appointment Details page. If there is a current active referral for a specific client, Kalix will automatically link this referral to the client's appointment, as you first create it (via the New Appointment) click here for details.

If there is no referral associated with an appointment, you can link one up at any time, via the Appointment Details page. To link a referral, you must first have a referral created for the specific client, for details click here (USA only) or here (other countries).

The video below shows the steps to link a referral to the client.

The Appointment's Documentation

You can create appointment specific docs via the Appointment Details page. Under the Documents subsection (shown below), Kalix displays all appointment linked docs e.g. chart notes, intake forms, food records, questionnaires.

To view and edit a document, click on its row. To open it as a PDF or Word document, click on the applicable icon at the end of the row. 

Creating a New Appointment Specific Document

You can create appointment specific docs from the Appointment Details page. Click on the New Doc link as shown above.

Alternatively you can create a new document from the main appointment page by clicking on the New button and selecting document.

The Appointment's Bills/Invoices

You can create appointment specific bills/invoices via the Appointment Details page. Under the Billing/Invoice subsection (shown below), Kalix displays all appointment linked bills/invoices.

To view and edit a bill/invoice, click on its row. 

You can also create a Bill on the main appointment page by clicking the New button and selecting Bill.

The Appointment's Tasks

You can create a Task from the main Appointment page by clicking on New and selecting Task.

This will bring up the New Task window. Then you can create a variety of tasks that will then show up on your Tasks page as well as the appointment.

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