Outage Notification 1 AM PST (4 AM EST, 3 AM CST, 2 AM MST) Monday 29 May 2017& Kalix Redesign
Updated over a week ago

Outage Notification

Kalix will become unavailable at 1 AM PST (4 AM EST, 3 AM CST, 2 AM MST) Monday 29 May 2017 for a period of 1 to 2 hours. 

During this time we will be releasing a big upgrade to Kalix including a new menu bar and side panel. 

Lots of little improvements and fixes will also be included, some of these are shown in the image below. A full description of changes will posted in the next few days.

The update will include an infrastructure improvement to get Kalix ready for our new fully featured Telehealth feature. The telehealth feature will follow, next update. 

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